The more business we did, the more we needed to know about the people we were considering working with. This was before the internet – so you couldn’t just go online and look someone up. The investigation companies only worked with big corporations and couldn’t help us. So I found the right resource and started LCF, to investigate legal, corporate and financial affairs.
RJ Valentine, Chairman The MBA GroupEarthSafe Chemical Alternatives
Smarter chemistries. Safer solutions.
Industrial grade performance.

The Concept
Identify huge industrial markets with challenging projects that have required toxic chemicals and/or high numbers of man-hours to complete, then develop non-toxic, biodegradable solutions that will save time, money, and worker health – while eliminating toxic chemicals. We are the first company to develop clean chemicals for industry that are fast, powerful, and cost-effective, opening vast international markets for our products.
The Mission
We develop unique, industry-leading clean chemicals that solve common ‐ but challenging ‐ problems for industry. We are committed to being the company chosen by industries seeking safe, nontoxic, biodegradable solutions that are faster, more powerful and more effective than the toxic chemicals and/or high man-hours they have depended on to date
The MBA Group Differences:
Research -- Capitalizing on our connections in various industries, we identified a number of extremely large markets with just the sort of problems we can solve with our industry-leading chemical alternatives, developed at the cutting edge of today’s science.
At this time, those problems include:
- Marine descaling
- Boiler descaling
- Cleaning of cement equipment
- Elimination of mold and biological toxins
Among the industries we learned are international prospects for our products are navy and coast guard vessels, cruise ships, container ships, the cement industry, institutional and public housing, and disaster recovery and remediation. The products have been tested and proven in all cases, with case studies that validate results for potential clients.
Marketing -- The MBA Group companies always out-market the competition. For EarthSafe, we developed a multi-channel marketing program with a world-class website as the hub, direct mail and email as on-going communications, print and on-line advertising in targeted industry publications, a blog, and more.
The Results
Although, as noted, we are still early in the development of EarthSafe, we are strongly positioned to become the leader in our field – and our fastest growing MBA Group company to date. Virtually all green companies are dedicated to the consumer market. As the first company specializing in non-toxic chemical alternatives for industry, we are gaining rapid support throughout the industries we are serving. Our projections suggest that we will achieve $2.8 Million in our first year of operations, with rapid growth in years two through five, as we expand in our current markets and develop additional products for other markets.
For more information on EarthSafe Chemical Alternatives, visit our website at